Bruce's Blog


Showing all posts by tag "Growth"

Plant, Water, Weed, Repeat

April 2nd, 2022

“Plant, water, weed, water, weed, weed, water, weed…” That’s what Trisha Belbot, UCOM’s Growing Green Neighbors Manager, replied when I asked her how to have a successful garden.

Then she added, “Know what you are doing and harvest at the right time....

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Helping People to Flourish

May 16th, 2017

Breaking poverty’s grip, ending economic oppression. Those are two noble goals. They may also be too big for me. I’ve thought a lot lately about WHY. Why is UCOM here? Why am I at UCOM? What are our goals?


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5 Simple Things That Will Revolutionize 2014

December 31st, 2013

2014 is filled with the specters of catastrophic horrors or with opportunities for challenging growth depending on our perspective. Let's ease into the new year with some workable things that are guaranteed to make the whole year--our whole lives--feel better.


No, not...

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