Bruce's Blog


No mail for 35 years

April 6th, 2017

“My friend has been in prison for 56 years. For the past 35 years he has received NO MAIL”

I heard this report last night from David Dickerson, a former prisoner who is a member of Healing Communities—West Michigan. This fledgling group has an advisory committee that is jam-packed with trusted names in our area—all of us concentrated for now on encouraging caring people on the outside to correspond with prisoners.

It’s not as scary as it sounds. Thanks to Paula Courser-Creswell and her brain-child Cards for Prisoners all the people around the table signed on to write a sincere card regularly to a prisoner with whom she will put us in contact.

Like me, you probably have a million questions about this commitment. Paula’s Facebook Page has many of the answers.

Why should I write to a prisoner?

  • You may make a new friend.
  • An encouraging note card from you will bring a smile where few smiles live.
  • This is an easy way of “visiting” those in prison.
  • You can “be a blessing”.
  • Who knows what new avenues of understanding a prisoner may bring into your life?
  • It will make you feel good.

So take the plunge or at least dip your toe into the water of a very significant ministry.

How do I get involved?

  • Go to the Facebook page above.
  • Read and complete the Agreement Guidelines.
  • Wait for the name and address Paula will send to you.
  • Write a card to get things started.
  • Respond to letters as you receive them.
  • Stay in touch, and let me know what benefits you receive from this act of caring for another human being.

I bet you’ll be glad you did.


#1 Nancy Zylstra said:

This is a great ministry. I've been involved with Cards for Prisoners for only a few months but I send a letter or card about once a week. Great Idea Paula!

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