Bruce's Blog


The Day 'Fore Thanksgiving

November 23rd, 2016

By Erik Keener

Twas the day ‘fore Thanksgiving, and all through UCOM

The pantry was buzzing, twas less than quite calm

The boxes were packed, with turkeys and stuffing

All set to be driven, by drivers a rushing.


The shelves they were stocked, with food by the bushel

With goodies and treats, that were so very special

The staff was a running from hither and yon

In hopes that the needs would be filled before dawn


When through all the hustling, there came a brief moment

And though chaos obscured it, twas so very poignant

A girl and her mother, fresh in from the cold

Had brought us a story that had to be told


They’d delivered a basket to a family of six

One parent, five kids! A most stressful mix.

The parent so happy he broke down and cried.

With the basket our driver and daughter supplied.


“We thought you should know,” The mom told us anew

Of the wondrous importance of the things that you do.

“Thank you” we said, as we bid them adieu

“But please do remember, twasn’t us it was you”


Happy Thanksgiving from UCOM!


#1 Bruce Roller said:

Erik Keener is not only more talented than most people, he is modest to. boot. So far I haven't found anything he can't do...even poetry now.?UCOM is very blessed to have him.

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